0-تنبيهات مهمة
Day 1 - Introduction
14-1- Create the free database and review Odoo
15-2- Company Logo
17-4- Add Languages and Setting The Date Format
19-6- Tax Setting
20-7- Unit of Measures
21-8- Email Templates Review
22-9- Currencies Settings
23-Implementation Tips - 1
24-Introduction Quiz
Day 2 - Purchase
26-10- Purchase Introduction
27-11 - Add vindor manually
28-New Colors Fashion Functional Requirement
29-12 - Configure file to import contacts
30-13 - Import contacts to Odoo
31-14- Add stockable product
32-15- Add consumable product
33-16- Add service product
34-17- Add combo product in odoo 18
35-18 - First RfQ in Purchase
36-19 - Supplier bans and warning messages on products
37-20- Configure limit for purchase amount
38-21- Add approval stage for purchase limit
39-22-Set expected delivery time from suppliers
40-23- Three-way matching
41-24- Purchase Agreement
42-25- Exclusive Purchase Agreement from a Single Supplier
43-26- Tender Agreement
44-27- Purchase Reports
45-Implementation Tips - 2
46-Purchase Quiz
Program MeetUps
48-Program Meetup #1
Day 3 - CRM
50-28 - Introduction to CRM
51-29- Configure activities
52-30- Customer pipline in CRM
53-31- Adding opportunities in the CRM
55-32- Calculating expected revenue from the CRM system
56-33- Manage Leads
57-34- Automation of processes in the CRM 1
58-35- Automation of processes in the CRM
59-36- Turning Opportunity into Winning in CRM
60-37- Automated activities after winning the opportunity
61-38- Lost Opportunities in CRM
62-39- CRM Reports
63-Implementation Tips - 3
64-CRM Quiz
Day4 - Sales
66-40- Sales Introduction
67-41- Sales Requirements
68-42- Adding an external header and footer to the quote
69-43- Quotation templates
70-44- Sale margin
71-45- Product variants
72-46- Using product variants
73-47- Using grid selection of variants
74-48- Discount on products in sales
76-50- Add advanced price list
77-51- Advanced price lists by region and country
78-52- Introduction to Loyalty Programs
79-53- Loyalty Program
80-54- Adding products from the catalog
81-55- Print the quote according to the customer's language
82-56- Sales Reports
83-Implementation Tips - 4
84-Sales Quiz
Day 5 - Inventory 1
86-56- Simulation of double entry in inventories
87-57- Introduction to warehouses
88-58- Receiving products in the warehouse
89-59- Customer Deliveries
90-60- Inventory operations
91-61- Inventory quantities adjustment
92-62- Calculating forecast quantities
93-63- Managing multiple warehouse
94-64- Transfers between inventories
95-65- Replenish quantities and transfer between warehouses
96-66 - Track product movements in the warehouse
97-Implementation Tips - 5
Day 6 - Inventory 2
99-67- Product management by serial numbers
100-68- Product Management by lots
101-69- Managing products with expiration dates
102-70- Warning of products that are about to expire
103-71- Receiving and delivering products in multiple routes in the warehouses
104-72- Product packaging
105-73 - Replenishment of stored products
106-74- Managing third party products within our warehouses
107-75- Dropshipping
108-76- Warehouse reports
109-Implementation Tips - 6
110-Inventory Quiz
Day 7- Accounting 1
112-77- Introduction to Accounting
113-78- The concept of accounts in Odoo
114-79- Update the chart of accounts in Odoo
115-80- Journals
116-81- Configure bank journals
117-82- Processing customer and supplier invoices
118-84- Customer Invoices and vendor Bills with Multi-currrencies
119-83- Create a customer invoice from sales
120-85 - General Ledger and Trail Balance
121-Implementation Tips - 7
Day 8 - Accounting 2
123-86- Accounting inventory valuation
124-87 - Sales effect on inventory valuation
125-88 - Purchase effect on in inventory valuation
126-89 - Landed cost activation
127-90 - Landed cost on received goods
128-91 - Add journal entry manually
129-92 - Fiscal position
130-93 - Refund
131-94 - Credit limit
Day 8 - Accounting 3
133-95 - Expenses
134-96 - Analytic accounts
135-97 - Budget
136-98 - Financial Budget
137-99 - Fixed assets management
138-100 - Fixed assets depreciation
139-101 - Accounting reports
140-Accounting Quiz
Practice Days
142-Practice day 1 - First case study
143-Setup company and bank accounts
144-Warehouses UOM and products
145-Assets and languages
148-Payment terms
149-Purchase Assets
150-Purchased 10 packs of Juice
151-Purchased 10 packs of Juice 2
153-Budgets for sales teams and expenses
154-Sale-Budget and payment with terms
155-Dispose items
Program MeetUps
157-Program MeetUps #3
Day 9 - HR 1
159-102 - Introduciton to HR
160-103 - Add employees
161-104 - Employees types
162-105 - Organization chart
163-106 - HR task lists
164-108 - Time-Off types
165-109 - Add new time-off types
166-110 - Time-off allocation
167-111 - Attendance
168-112 - Manual attendance
169-113 - Add attendance with Kisok
Day 10 - HR 2
171-114 - Payroll intorduction
172-115 - Salary structure
173-116 - Employee contract
174-117 - Salary payment - part 1
175-118 - Salary payment - part 2
176-HR Quiz
Day 11 - MRP
178-120 - MRP Introduction
179-121 - Manufacturing with Kit
180-122 - Manufacturing with subcontractor
181-123 - Manufactor a product with MRP process
182-124 - Manage manufacturing process with work centers and work orders
183-125 - Add by product to Bill of Materials
184-126 - More BoM setting
185-127 - Complete Manufactoring order
186-128 - Review MRP processes
187-129 - Make to Order MTO in MRP
Day 12 - Project 1
189-130 - Project management introduction
190-131 - Add a new project
191-132 - Recurring tasks
192-133 - Project milestones
193-134 - Project visibility and portal user access
194-135 - Internal user access for projects
Day 13 - Project 2
196-136 - Timesheet introduction
197-137- Add a timesheet to a task
198-138 - Sell services - manual quantity delivery
199-139 - Sell services based on timeshee hours
200-140- Sell a service project based on mailestones
201-141 -Prepaid services
Project 2
203-Case study 2
204-Case study overview
Program MeetUps
206-Program MeetUps #4
Day 14 - Odoo Apps
208-142 - Other Odoo Apps - Helpdesk
209-143 - Field Services
210-144 - Survey
211-145 - Odoo Studio Part 1
212-146 - Odoo Studio Part 2
213-147 - Diffrent types of Odoo Apps
Program MeetUps
215-Program MeetUps #5